Mind Bending or Mind Renewing?

…can understand the Scriptures. Paul’s experience recorded in Romans 7 testifies to the limitations of man’s mind in spiritual matters. Paul said, “With the mind I myself serve the law…

Concerning the Person of Christ

…or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him” (Col. 1:16). “Through whom [the Son] also He [God] made the universe” (Heb. 1:2). These verses explicitly tell us…

Misrepresenting Witness Lee’s Critique of Christianity

…Research Institute, Nov. 2001) http://www.johnankerberg.com/Articles/_PDFArchives/roman-catholicism/RC1W1201.pdf. 6See “Biblical Critiques of Christianity – Selected Bibliography and Biographical Notes on Sources Cited.” 7Witness Lee, Practice, op. cit., p. 25. 8Ibid., p. 28. 9Ibid.,…


…global presence. The site also includes testimonies from prominent Christians who have affirmed our orthodoxy and a set of resources pages on important truths. www.lsm.org is the home page of…